New Campus Group Pushes for Randomized Housing

an image of the Penn Quadrangle, with saturation and brightness and contrast increased to the maximum. In the middle is the emoji of a woman shrugging.
Image by Isabella Schlact

Following a tumultuous 2021-2022 Room Selection process, a new campus group is advocating for completely randomized housing.

No Autonomy Penn (NAP) was founded by first-years Catherine Norton and Alice Musk, after the pair was unable to secure a two-bed suite in New College House West for the upcoming school year. They said their organization doesn’t have vengeful goals in the slightest.

“We didn’t get what we want, so now we want to make sure nobody else does either,” Norton said. “I don’t really see why that’s a problem.”

Musk complained that the current housing system doesn’t allow students to meet roommates with incompatible living styles, adding that her current roommate is wonderfully pleasant and “totally vanilla.”

“I just wish I could’ve had the chance to live with someone who always made me take the trash out,” Musk said, “or who announced that her boyfriend would be living with us for the next three weeks.”

Cate Paulson C’22 said she joined NAP despite being happy with her experience in Gregory College House. Before heading downstairs for the dorm’s fourth monthly screening of Carol, she told The Pennsylvania Punch Bowl that randomized housing wouldn’t drastically alter campus life.

“You know, sure, a lot of us chose Gregory because we love niche cinema and Romance languages and living right next to the LGBT Center,” she said. “But aren’t those everyone’s top priorities for housing selection anyway?”

Beyond their advocacy for randomized housing, NAP opposes the mandatory sophomore dining plan for allowing too much choice. They believe that all undergraduates should be forced to enroll in Bon Appetit’s most expensive plan, and that dining dollars should only be used on Gourmet Grocer’s lukewarm buffet.

When asked if she believed Penn students might oppose NAP’s goals, Norton scoffed.

“I doubt it,” she said. “‘Oh, I want to choose where I eat and sleep!’ Said no one ever.”


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